Councillor Charles Yarwood, Executive Member for Assets said, “A revised plan has been drawn up for the Meadowbank site to provide all the exciting range of facilities of the previous application, but on a modified footprint. Residents and visitors to Meadowbank will benefit from first class football facilities, indoor soft play, a café and toilets that will complement our fantastic new outdoor play area set to be opened this summer, whilst also delivering increased value for money for council tax payers.
Careful thought has gone into the revised plans which will be submitted to Mole Valley’s planning service in the next few days. We will then await the outcome of that planning process.
In the meantime, we are progressing with a robust procurement process. We anticipate this process being completed in May and it is hoped that the outcome of the planning application will be known in June. We will then be able to publicise a timeframe for this exciting new development for Dorking.”