In March 2015, Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) adopted a new four year corporate strategy based on the views and feedback from local residents and communities. That strategy committed us to, in consultation with the community, develop plans for how land is used within Mole Valley and whilst safe guarding the Green Belt, setting out proposals for jobs and homes, retail, leisure and commercial development.
Councillor Sarah Seed, Executive Member for Planning said, “I am committed to safeguarding the Green Belt and am now bringing forward our Local Development Scheme (LDS 2016) to deliver on this commitment by outlining the scope and timetable for preparing a new Local Plan for Mole Valley and the background work necessary to underpin it.”
“Through this process we will ensure we meet our corporate priorities of safeguarding the Green Belt, protecting our environment, promoting our district and improving opportunities for residents to live active lives. A review of the Community Infrastructure Levy will be prepared alongside the new Local Plan.”
All community groups, stakeholders and individuals will be able to see the LDS 2016. Its timetable will show points at which community participation in the plan making process will be encouraged, to ensure community support in the process of shaping their own communities, and producing a new Local Plan.
Councillor Sarah Seed explained, “Since deciding in December 2014 to prepare a new Local Plan, community engagement has been a key focus and we have been carrying out some background work and listening to residents. This has included gathering evidence about brownfield land and inviting views on the district-wide Infrastructure Needs Assessment. This assessment is a comprehensive collation of over 2,500 residents’ opinions on infrastructure, providing everyone with an opportunity to give their views on what is needed for our local area.”
“An approved LDS 2016 will set out what the new Local Plan will cover and a timeline for its preparation. Residents and businesses will be able to see us delivering our promise to fully involve them in this work and to listen to their views as we plan to meet their needs for the generations to come.”
“We are committed to protecting the Green Belt whilst recognising our communities will need new homes, jobs and other facilities over the next ten to fifteen years. Preparing a new Local Plan will give everyone the chance to have a say about where any new development should be located, how much should be planned for and what type of development is required. Above all we will be giving particular consideration to protecting the Green Belt ensuring Mole Valley remains the attractive area our communities want to live in.”