Street Cleaning
At present, Mole Valley District Council pays over a million pounds per year for a street cleaning service that is not up to standard.
A Conservative administration would ensure that street cleaning services are delivered effectively without costing a fortune to the residents of Mole Valley.
Environment and Nature
A Conservative administration would work to achieve biodiversity net gain across Mole Valley from developments across the district.
Over the last five years, Mole Valley’s Liberal Democrat administration has produced a Local Plan that builds on 50 Green Belt sites, including hundreds of units at Sondes Place Farm, Preston Farm and several other locations across the district.
A Conservative Council would work to protect our precious countryside in Mole Valley from inappropriate overdevelopment in the district and hold developers to account on ensuring that any future development has the appropriate infrastructure in place.
Cleaning up the River Mole
The River Mole is an important waterway that lends its name to the district of Mole Valley, so we have a moral obligation to look after it. Thames Water have been dumping sewage in the River Mole, which has been adversely affecting the wildlife and environment in and around the river.
A Conservative administration will hold Thames Water to account over their dumping of raw sewage in the Mole and will put measures in place to ensure that they pay for their failings in keeping the River safe.